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An Introduction....
In March 2020 I made the plunge into a hobby that I have always wanted to do - Astrophotography. Many people describe it as one of the most difficult forms of photography there is and now I really understand why - there are so many things working against you and the time involved to create just one image is truly staggering when you compare to most other forms of photography.
I've always been fascinated by space and what's out there, so many amazing things that truly boggle the mind. Distances so vast you can't really comprehend just how far they are, weird things that just seem to defy all sense and logic such as Neutron stars and the like. Space really is a fascinating place where you can truly let you mind wonder at the endless possibilities.
I used to think that taking photo's of Nebula and other deep space objects was only in the grasp of Nasa etc. Having bought my first telescope for astrophotography in March 2020, at the current time of writing, it's been a little over 9 months and i've learned a lot - one of which there is much to learn!
Being in the UK with our unpredictable weather makes it harder, Finding that sometimes it can be 3 to 4 weeks between good clear skies. I hope you enjoy you're visit here and enjoy the pictures I have taken so far.
Until around early Feb 2021), all the the images I have taken have been done using the first telescope I bought, the William Optics zenithstar 73 APO with a focal length of around 440mm @ F5.9 (Shown on the right >>>)
I have recently bought myself an Explore Scientific ED127CF which I hope to start using soon.
The main equipment I use currently is as follows:
William Optics Zenithstar 73 APO Telescope.
William Optics Adjustable field flattener for Z73.
William Optics 50mm Guide Scope
ZWO ASI 120 MC camera (For guiding)
ZWO filterwheel Mini
ZWO Electronic Autofocuser
ZWO ASI 183 MM Pro Cooled Camera (Cooled to -10c)
+ L, R, G B or Ha,SII, OIII, filters
or -
ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro Cooled Camera (Cooled to -10c)
Skywatcher EQM-35 Equatorial goto mount
EQMOD cable for mount control

To use my larger Explore Scientific ED127CF more effectively I opted to buy a larger mount for it and went with the Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro, (<<< Shown on the left).
The main equipment here is currently as follows:
Explore Scientific ED127 CF APO triplet telescope.
William Optics 50mm Guide Scope
ZWO ASI 120 MC camera (For guiding)
ZWO filterwheel Mini
ZWO Electronic Autofocuser
ZWO ASI 294 MM Pro Cooled Camera (Cooled to -10c)
+ L, R, G B or Ha,SII, OIII, filters
or -
ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro Cooled Camera (Cooled to -10c)
or -
ZWO ASI 533 MC Pro Cooled Camera (Cooled to -10c)
Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro Equatorial goto mount
EQMOD cable for mount control